
HyperCrawl Turbo

from hypercrawlturbo import scraper

# Define the URL of the webpage to scrape
url_to_scrape = ""

# Call the scrape_urls function and pass in the URL
extracted_urls = scraper.scrape_urls(url_to_scrape)

# Process the extracted URLs
for url in extracted_urls:
    # Here you can perform further processing on each URL, such as visiting it or storing it in a database


from hypercrawl import DomainScraper

# Define the target domain
domain = ""  # Replace with your target domain

# Create a DomainScraper instance with optional parameters
scraper = DomainScraper(domain, max_concurrency=100, request_timeout=10)

# Get all URLs within the specified domain
urls = scraper.get_all_urls()

# Print the found URLs
print(f"All URLs found in the domain {domain}:")
for url in urls:

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